
crocodile tears 假慈悲〔據說鱷魚一面吃一面哭它所吃的動物〕。


These are crocodile tears , but for all those in the movie , and perhaps watching the movie itself , they ' ll see he is apparently moved - - and of course , he is 那是鱷魚的眼淚,但對電影中的所有人物來說,也許只是看著這個電影本身,他們會看到他顯然被感動了? ?當然,他確實被感動了。

“ in his speeches the mayor always puts on a big show of crocodile tears for poor and homeless people . but i don ' t see him doing anything to help them . 這是說: “這位市長在講話時總是裝得好像他對窮人和無家可歸的人非常同情。但是,我并沒有見到他做些什么來幫助他們。 ”

“ in his speeches the mayor always puts on a big show of crocodile tears for poor and homeless people . but i don ' t see him doing anything to help them . 這位市長在講話的時候,總是裝的好像他對窮人和無家可歸的人非常同情。但是,我并沒有見到他做些什么來幫助他們。 ”

In his speeches the mayor always puts on a big show of crocodile tears for poor and homeless people . but i don ' t see him doing anything to help them 這位市長在講話的時候總是裝得好像他對窮人和無家可歸的人非常的同情,但是,我并沒有看到他做些什么來幫助他們。

In his speeches the mayor always puts on a big show of crocodile tears for poor and homeless people . but i don ' t see him doing anything to help them 這位市長在講話的時候總是裝得好像他對窮人和無家可歸的人非常同情。但是,我并沒有見到他做些什么來幫助他們。

In the sheeches the mayor always puts on a big show of crocodile tears for poor and homeless people . but i don ' t see him doing anything to help them 這位市長在講話的時候總是裝得好像他對窮人和無家可歸的人非常同情。但是,我并沒有見到他做些什么來幫助他們

They are only crying crocodile tears at the old man ' s funeral because they thought they could get the huge fortune after his death 他們只是貓哭耗子假慈悲。葬禮上流下幾滴傷心的眼淚只不過是因為老人死后,他們可以得到大筆財產。

I don ' t know how nancy can shed crocodile tears about philip ' s accident ? she ' s been looking for an excuse to stop seeing him for weeks now 我不知道南希能如何對菲利普的事故發假慈悲數周來她一直在尋找借口不去看他。

Don ' t weep crocodile tears over his misfortune . i know you have always detested him and are only too happy to see him get into trouble 別假惺惺地為他的不幸而難過了,我知道你一直討厭他,看到他倒霉,心里可高興哩!

Don ' t weep crocodile tears over his misfortune . i know you have always detested him and are only too happy to see him get into trouble 別假惺惺地為他的不幸難過了,我知道你一直討厭他,看到他倒霉,心里可高興呢。

At the funeral , he shed crocodile tears while actually feeling happy about the large fortune the deceased old man had left him 葬禮上,他流了幾滴假傷心的眼淚,內心卻為死去的老人給他留下的大筆財產暗自高興。

His wife passed away last week . at that time he wept a few crocodile tears and now he ' s preparing for his wedding again 他太太上星期去世了。當時他假惺惺地滴了幾滴眼淚,可現在呢,他又在籌辦婚事了。

His wife passed away last week . at that time he wept a few crocodile tears and now he ' s preparing for his wedding again 上周他的妻子去世了,在那時他還假惺惺地掉了幾滴眼淚,但現在他有準備結婚了。

Don ' t shed crocodile tears over his leaving . i know very well that you detest him and are glad to see him go 不要假惺惺地為他的離去而悲傷。我知道得很清楚,你極討厭他而且很高興看他走。

Don ' t shed crocodile tears over his leaving . i know very well that you detest him and are glad to see him go 不要對他的離去假惺惺。我非常清楚地知道你厭惡他,而且很高興看他走。

Get out , don ' t shed crocodile tears to me ; you know you are really glad they ' ve met with misfortune 走開,別在我面前假惺惺的了;你自己明白,對他們遭到不幸你是暗自高興的。

Taylor : yeah , with this sad look on his face . but i ' m sure it was only crocodile tears 泰勒:對啊,他還一臉難過的樣子。可是我知道他只是貓哭耗子假慈悲。

The woman cried crocodile tears as she told the court how she was for deserting her children 當那個婦人在法庭上陳述她拋棄孩子的心情時假裝悲傷地哭了。

The sight of her stepmother shedding crocodile tears at her father ' s funeral made jane sick 看見她繼母在她父親的葬禮上流下傷心的眼淚讓珍覺得很惡心。